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Gaming Is Fun?

Do any of y’all play video games? I’m talking any sort of video games: computer, arcade, all the versions of Playstation, XBox and Nintendo, mobile… really, you can’t go wrong when it comes to playing video games nowadays.

Recently, I got my old Playstation 2 back, and let me tell you… that brought back all sorts of memories from my teenage years. Most of the games weren’t mine (I prefer adventure-types while others go for sports-centric), which led me down the rabbit hole of finding used games that were still in good condition to play. Goodwill, the used book store and other brick and mortars had a smattering of games, but none really caught my fancy. And then I remembered 1Up Games. They’re a store out in Michigan that refurbishes old and used games along with selling some newer stuff. So I got on there, found some games in my preferences and price range, and narrowed them down to half a dozen discs that I knew I would enjoy the heck out of in the months to come.

(sidenote: this isn’t a paid advertisement for 1Up Games, I just really like the quality of their work – but still, you should go check them out!)

I’ve never had a lemon from them

That being said, I’ve only been playing one game in particular out of the 6 I ordered… Star Wars Battlefront. A classic from the days when computer animation was beginning to look more and more realistic


Not only have I spent hours and hours pretending to be a Clone, exploding droideka and accidentally falling off of Sky City, I’ve been digging into cheats and bonus content. It’s been so much fun wielding a blaster against both the Republic and the Empire, jumping into tiny Yoda’s body every once in a while, and getting badges for most ally kills (sorry, Sith Lords, everyone looks the same on Hoth). I’m experiencing someone else’s childhood, and it’s amazing.

I didn’t know I could feel this fulfilled and this hungover all at the same time

That’s my little bit of joy this dreary week. All y’all stay warm (or cool, if it’s summer in your area), and I’ll see you later, gators. And hey, maybe next time I get giddy with gaming, I’ll talk about my other favorite, Katamari Damacy.

It’s bonkers and colorful and weird and I love it so so much

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