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What Just Happened

I’ve been a bit of a funk for a while now. Whether I’m supposed to be writing or editing or making, I just can’t. And it really, really sucks.

I’ll be in the middle of writing a really fun scene when all of a sudden it’ll hit me that I can’t do it. I suck and it’s not worth it to try and fail. I know that failure is to not even try something, but my brainmeats would like to argue the point that I’ll never experience failure if I never do the thing I want to do. Just now, I was writing and then my courage left me frozen on the keyboard. I couldn’t finish the conversation my character was having with himself, couldn’t describe the scene, couldn’t infuse emotion into any of the words. It all felt wooden and dumb and not worth it.

I hate this feeling. I hate that I can so easily allow the little voice in my head to dictate what I can or can’t do. It’s dumb, it makes me feel dumb, and I dumbly can’t make it stop.

I have no pearls of wisdom or helpful hints to get past this sort of thing. And I’m all that much more sorry for it.

All I can do now is take a short break and hope that this is only momentary. Poop.

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